Does PLRT really help in healing? Part 4

Whenever we have new people entering our lives or some people exiting from our lives, there is a change our health, fortunes, relationships etc. The below case is about a person Anju (name changed), who experienced severe back pain and was healed through past life regression therapy (PLRT). Anju (name changed) called one afternoon seeking an appointment for the PLRT session. She said she had been struggling with back pain for the last few months. The intensity of the pain would be extreme while cooking and she would stand bending her back forward while cooking. She was hesitant to visit the doctors due to the Covid-19 pandemic. She wanted to explore the PLRT route. During the history taking, there was nothing that rang a bell. As she drifted into trance, I suggested she go to the event from where the back pain arises. I asked, “What is coming to your awareness?” Anju: I am on a tree. Harish: What are you doing? Anju: Plucking some ...