Don’t be a silent spectator when you see wrong being done

This case is about a client who experienced mysterious cuts near her genitals and the pain seems to have been carried forward from thousands of years.  It gives us important lessons on standing up against injustice instead of being mute spectators.

Sunaina (name changed), a lady in her early forties was referred by a common friend.  She had a peculiar health issue.  She was experiencing cuts near her genital area.  She had visited two well reputed hospitals in the city and also consulted other dermatologists and gynecologists, taken medicines but the issue was not solved.  She was tired of taking medicines and was not sure how to resolve this.  A friend of mine suggested PLRT and asked her to read some cases on my blog.  She got hope after reading, “Every female should be strong and educated, shouldn’t depend on anybody and should stand for herself”, which was a case about Reshma, who also had cuts near her genital area.

During the history taking, she mentioned that she lived with her husband, teenage children and in-laws.  Except for the cuts which used to appear mysteriously she did not have any serious issues bothering her.  After some thought, she mentioned that she had also been experiencing severe headaches at frequent intervals during the last couple of months and some shooting pain in her fingers at the joints, which used to make it difficult for her to hold things.  The important issue to be addressed was the pain she experienced due to cuts near her genitals.

After explaining to her about PLRT and letting her know what to expect we started the session.  She was soon in trance.  The below is the transcript between Sunaina (Client) and me (Therapist).

Therapist: Go to the root cause for the cuts that you have near the genitals.  (After a short pause) What is coming to your awareness?

There was silence.

Client: I am seeing lot of trees.

Therapist: What else are you seeing there?

Client: I am seeing a small deer.

Therapist: What is it doing there?

Client: I am able to see a lot of rocks there - dark and dirty.

Therapist: Look at yourself…what are you wearing?

There was silence again.

After some time, she responded.

Client: I am seeing my family members…killing the deer… they are actually peeling the skin of the deer.

Therapist: Who are there in your family? How many people do you see?

Client: I am able to see three male and one female.

Therapist: Do you recognize any one of them in this life?  Look into their eyes.

Client: I am unable to recognize any of them…I have not met them.

Therapist: What kind of dress are they wearing?

Client: They have wrapping something like leaves…they are actually half naked…they don’t have a proper dress.

Therapist: What are you wearing?

Client: I am wearing something made of up of plants…something like what they are wearing.

Therapist: How are you related to those four people?

Client: The lady is my mother.

Therapist: What about the three male members?

Client: I don’t know

Therapist: What have they done to the deer?

Client: They are removing it’s skin and giving it to somebody…they are tearing it when it is still alive.

Therapist: Did they kill the deer?

Client: They caught the deer in a net and tied it…and killing it… they are having sharp knives and are tearing it.  I am feeling very sad.  They have not yet killed…it is actually alive…they are giving the skin to somebody.

Therapist: Who are they giving it to?

Client: He is not like us.

Therapist: Is he wearing the same dress like you?

Client: No.

Therapist: Go forward to a significant event.

Client: They are carrying it to a kingdom.

Therapist: Do you know the place?

Client: I don’t know the place… lot of horses are there…so many soldiers are there…those people are very fair.

Therapist: Are you also fair?

Client: No, we are dark.

Therapist: Are you also going there?

Client: No…three persons are carrying and going there.  One person is helping them to carry the skins.

Therapist: What are you boy, girl, man or a woman?

Client: Girl.

Therapist: How old are you?

Client: I am 12-13 years

Therapist: If nothing significant is happening then move forward to a significant event.

Client: I feel there is a strange custom where cutting the women is fun for the male…they take the arrows and prick/ make cuts on the women…when they feel the pain, the male enjoys.

Therapist: Where do they cut them?

Client: On their body… when they come near.

Therapist: Who is making those cuts?

Client: One of the male members.

Therapist: Is it one of the three male members you had seen earlier?

Client: No… this is another person.

Therapist: Is he doing this to you?

Client: No I am seeing another woman… he is doing it to her… many people do this.

Therapist: Where are they doing this?

Client: This is in a cave…it is big one…I am able to see a man and a woman… he is making cuts on her by pricking the arrow… it (cut) is not deep, it is like a scratch…he is scratching her and pressing her… he is scratching her again and pulling her and pressing her against him…

Therapist: What is the lady feeling?

Client: She is okay with it… at times she is shouting… she is also holding him… I don’t know what to say.

Therapist: Can you see what is happening?  Do you know these people?

Client: They are from the same community… Others are also watching them… I am also watching them.

Therapist: What are you feeling?

Client: I am scared to see… it is very horrible when we do such things… the deer was so much in pain… now the man is doing the same for a human… I think they are a couple…they are doing it (after she was out of trance she explained that they were making love) in front of everyone…feeling very uncomfortable and dirty…even my mother is having similar cuts on her body.

Therapist: How many people are there?

Client: 50-60 people.

Therapist: Is no one saying anything?

Client: No, everyone is seeing and enjoying…they are having fun…after them other people are coming and doing the same thing.

Therapist: Anything significant happening with you there?

Client: I just don’t want to get into that…I don’t want to get married…one woman has many partners.

Therapist: Ok, go forward to a significant event.  What is happening?

Client: I ran away from that place… I’m not feeling comfortable living with them.

Therapist: Where did you run away?

There was silence but her face was reflecting some frustration.

Therapist: Where are you now?

Client: My neighbor caught me and took me to the same person…mother and the men.

Therapist: Who are these three men?

Client: One is my brother…other is my father…the third is my neighbour.

Therapist: Anything significant happening with you there?

Client: They have tied me to a tree… they are shooting arrows at me…

The client was now shaking and shivering.

Therapist: Relax, it is only a past event, breath deeply…who is shooting arrows?

Client: All men…one person’s arrow has cut my finger…the index finger.

This was the same finger she experiences pain.

Therapist: What are they doing this for?

Client: There we are not supposed to run away from the community… they will punish very harshly…

Now she was shivering very violently.

Therapist: Float above and watch what is happening.

Client: Everybody are coming near and touching me all over my body… they are pressing my body parts… they are making deep cuts with the arrows…(she was shivering violently)…they are putting their fingers in my genitals… it is hurting…blood is coming out…it is paining.

Therapist: What is their reaction?

Client: They are laughing…(she starts shaking violently)

Therapist: Relax… it is only a past life…go forward and see what is happening.

Client: They dragged me and threw me into a river.

Therapist: Were you dead?

Client: No, I was alive… but died after they threw me down from a big hill, my head got hurt.

Therapist: What was your mother’s reaction?

Client: Nobody will talk there… they are very dominating people…I’m feeling very weird seeing these people.

Therapist: Where have you hurt yourself?

Client: My head broke, my brain is out after hitting the rock…the water is flowing down, we stay on top of the hill in the forest…when they threw me in the river, my head hit the rock and my brain came out.

Therapist: Is the pain similar to what you are experiencing in this life?

Client: Yes.

Therapist: What are your thoughts as you are dying?

Client: I just… I was scared to get married because of these things only…though I ran away, at last the same thing happened to me…

Therapist: What happened to you?

Client: They made cuts…touched my body…killed me.

Therapist: What were you running from?

Client: It is their custom… every girl will be married to two or three men… so they will be doing these things (making love) in front of everybody… it is kind of, everybody comes in the evening, they will have a fire to cook the animals… and they will be eating, and few people will be doing this in front of everybody… and everybody will be enjoying… I am scared of this.

Therapist: What is the name of the place?

Client: Don’t know

Therapist: What year is it?

Client: Don’t know but it is thousands of years ago… They are very dark people.

Therapist: Where are you now?

Client: My body is floating in the river… I am dead… I’m floating.

Therapist: What are you carrying from that life?

Client: The cuts…pain.

Therapist: What is that you need to do to let go?

Client: I don’t know, but I just want to forgive those people…who did this to me.

Therapist: How many people did this to you?

Client: All the people…30-33 men.

Therapist: What was your brother’s reaction?

Client: They were not reacting…they were ok…it was the punishment.

Therapist: What was your mother and father’s reaction?

Client: They were also watching.

Therapist: What about your neighbour?

Client: He was also doing this…

Therapist: Ok, if you feel like forgiving them, then go ahead and let me know when you are done.

Client spent time forgiving.

Client: My headache is also because of this…

Therapist: What was your emotion as you died?

Client: I was angry with them…very very angry with all the people who were there…including mother, father and brother.

She was still shivering as she said this.

Therapist: What is happening?

Client: I am feeling very cold, my body is aching…

Therapist: Which hand’s finger did they cut?

Client: Right hand index finger…. My hand is paining a lot.

Therapist: Is the pain in your fingers in this life coming from there?

Client: Yes…my body is aching.

Therapist: Where are you?

Client: I am going up…moving into the clouds…seeing light…

Therapist: Allow the light to heal you, you can also forgive yourself and the other people you wish to forgive.

After sometime,

Therapist: Ask the light the lesson you had to learn from that life

Client: I should be more strong and brave…

Therapist: But what can you do when so many people are there, what could have been done?

Client: I feel I should also do the same to them…for them to understand the pain…but it is ok…

Therapist: What do you need to do?

Client: I want to die and get better life next time.

Therapist: What is making you carry all these pains from that life?  What is the trigger?

Client: Whenever I see my father (in this life) struggle, asking to die…it is very horrible for any person to wait for death.

Therapist: What made your father struggle?

Client: My father is bed-ridden…in pain…waiting for death.

Therapist: But you said your father was watching along with your mother, so when was he bed- ridden?

Client: In this life my father is bed ridden, waiting to die.

She had never mentioned this during the history taking so this came as a surprise.

Therapist: So, were you waiting for death in that life?

Client: Hmm…

Therapist: Is seeing your father of this life in this state the trigger?

Client: Yes, whenever I see my father (present life), I think I remember that life…the emotions he feels now… he was good to me…

Therapist: Ok, ask the light to also heal him.

After sometime,

Client: He (my present life father) is my father in that life too…

Therapist: Did he like you in that life?

Client: Not that much.

Therapist: What was his reaction when all this was happening to you?

Client: He was just watching…

Therapist: What was your feeling towards your father then?

Client: He could have stopped it, spoken with those persons, nobody came forward, even I was very small.

Therapist: Do you wish to forgive him?

Client: Yes.

Therapist: Were you angry with your father then?

Client: Yes, that time I was angry…now I am not.

After forgiving her father, the client healed herself in the light – the cuts, the headache and the pain in the fingers.  After this the client was brought back from trance.

I let Sunaina spend some time reflecting on all that she has just experienced, before starting the post session discussion.

As we did the post session discussion, she mentioned that her father was bed-ridden and immobile for many years now.  She had never mentioned this during the history taking.  During history taking we discuss key events, key people in the client's life, so that we can guide them better when they are in trance.  It is surprising how beautifully the path to the root cause is found by the soul.  

She mentioned that he is a very good father to her.  He gave her good education and got her married into a good family.  He has been a loving and caring father for her in this life.  During the last six to nine months, he has been asking /praying for his death and seeing this has been very disturbing for her.  She also mentioned it was around the same time that the cuts started mysteriously appearing near the genitals.  Her headaches and pain in the index finger also started around the same time her father's health issues were impacting her.  She felt that she had some answers now.

There were other questions on our mind as we wound up the PLRT session.

  • Was her father struggling in this life – waiting for death – is it similar to what Sunaina was experiencing when the arrows were cutting through her body and when she fell on the rock – is this struggle for him to know how it feels to wait for death?  Is it for him to understand that one should speak up and stand up others?
  • Was this session meant to help Sunaina or her father?

It has been four months now.  Sunaina’s cuts have all disappeared as mysteriously as they had appeared.  The pain in her index finger is gone.  The frequency of headaches has also reduced, and they are not as severe as they used to be.  She said that she spoke to her father and asked him to seek forgiveness for the souls he might have hurt which is responsible for the suffering that he is going through.  She was uncomfortable to speak to him about her PLRT experience.

As I reflected on this case, the incident from the Mahabharatha came to my mind.

For those who do not know, Mahabharatha, is an Indian (Bharatiya) epic based on the history of the land.  The epic along with another epic, The Ramayana, holds significance in India, as both of them teach us about life, spirituality, karma, values.  It is based on the life of Lord Rama and the teachings of Lord Krishna, both of whom are considered incarnate of Lord Vishnu.  These knowledge that these contain in terms of geography, astronomy, astrology etc. is mind blowing.  The Ramayana was authored by Sage Valmiki and Mahabharatha by Sage Vyasa.

Coming back to the Mahabharatha, the great warriors Bheeshma and Drona had very painful ends, with Bheeshma lying on the bed of arrows waiting for his death and Drona being beheaded while he sat lamenting on the news of death of his son, Ashwathama.  Both were very knowledgeable and upright individuals who did no wrong and made lot of sacrifices in their life.  It is said that they had such painful ends because they did not speak up when the Kauravas (sons of King Dhritharashtra) tried to disrobe Draupadi.  Draupadi was dragged into the King's court by the Kauravas and was ordered to be disrobed in the court of the King.  Both were powerful warriors (Bheeshma and Drona) and could have stepped in to stop the sinful act, but they did not.  This despite Draupadi appealing to both.  She was the daughter of Drona's friend, Drupad and Bheeshma was the great grand uncle of Draupadi's husbands.

Strange are the ways of Karma.  It is said, "As you free your body from the chains of the past and liberate this energy, you have available energy to do the uncommon—to achieve the supernatural."

Please feel free to post your comments and questions, and I will try my best to answer them, with my limited knowledge.  Your comments motivate and encourage me to share more experiences with you.  The comments you post may appear after a day or two, as I have set up a spam check.  Thank you.


  1. Thanks Harish for sharing the experience of Law of karma says if you are doer of the karma , one who saw someone doing it ,or the spectator,or one who got benifits Direct or indirectly or spoke or thought about it then you become a part of it there is no escape if karma turns out to be good they you get benefitted (doing ,seeing , benefitting or speaking about the divine) but if it is not a Good karma may be even harming a plant they you are equally responsible and hav to clear the karmas you were part of...without having a clue in the present or future lives your soul chooses to have and that's the beauty or hard irony of life thanks again probably this willhelp many souls to think before they act in any scenario t

  2. Very much relieved to hear that your client was completely healed ,very meaningful and insightful.. I liked the last sentence you wrote about the karma part. I wish all of us are able to untangle ourselves from the past karmas and achieve whatever it is that we are born to achieve.


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