My journey to becoming a past life regression therapist - Final Part 7 (Importance of Charity; certification as therapist)

This post is the conclusion part on my journey to becoming a past life regression therapist (PLRT). It also includes the third session conducted as part of my assignment and the lesson from it. Most of us had not been able to submit our assignment on time and Venu had been kind enough to extend the timeline by couple of weeks. Submitting our assignment was a must for us to be certified as PLR therapist. I felt guilty having missed the deadline for submission and did not want to miss the extended deadline. I had completed two sessions and had to complete the third one to finish the assignment. Venu and his team were spending considerable amount of their time and energy, to go through our assignments and certify us. It would be disrespecting them, if we did not finish the assignment. There were couple of friends who were keen to get the PLR done, but did not have the time to spare. As I was losing hope, my good frien...